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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Become a Democratic Alliance Activist!

Become a Democratic Alliance Activist

Anyone can become a DA Activist. You do not have to be involved first, although experience will make you an even better activist. 

We also recommend that you visit where you can read the DA’s policies and the latest news coming from the party. 

You can also subscribe to one of the DA’s newsletters here to receive regular DA news in your inbox.

What's Your Political Ideology?

What is your political ideology?
Your Result: Social Democrat
This quiz has defined you as a Social Democrat (you may or may not be a Democratic Socialist as well). In general you are in the Liberal mindset, but wish to take it a step further. You favour the broadening of various social programs and a progressive income tax system to help alleviate social inequality. You wish to change the current social paradigm, but through gradual means.
Communist/Radical Left


Fascist/Radical Right